A Little of This and That….

Well my stitch markers are finally in the mail for my secret pal. I guess I can finally post the link to her blog since she knows they\’re coming and it\’s not such a secret anymore! LOL I included a few extra since I was feeling so guilty for making her wait so long. Thanks for being patient with me Bev!

I\’ve been knitting a little here and there on the Upbeat Top. Not enough to post a picture though. It doesn\’t look that much different than my last picture.

I\’ve also been crocheting on my string bag. I\’ve made progress on that. But again, not that you could really tell from a picture.

Things are getting crazy at school with end of the year testing. We always have something going on between Relay for Life, t-ball, Adventure Guides and then trying to go geocaching in our \”free\”time. Not much time left over for knitting. Oh well, I\’ll get back to it soon.

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