Attack of the Toys

Here we are, five days past Christmas, and like any other parent of 3- and a 5- years old can tell you our house has been taken over by toys. Yesterday we put forth a half-hearted attempt to organize the new toys and box up some of the old toys. Well, today everything is all back where it started. Toys have taken over our living room, are scattered throughout the kitchen, and the playroom….ach don\’t get me started on that!

Since I am tired of stepping on and tripping over a various assortment of Hot Wheels cars, action figures, puzzle pieces and God-knows-what-else, I am going on a major cleaning rampage. The boys have too many toys to begin with and I\’m planning on a complete thinning out of what they have in the playroom. A. bought some large, plastic storage bins the other day and I hope to fill them all up. They will match the other large, plastic storage bins full of toys stored in the basement. One of these years we\’ll be able to have a killer tag sale….we just won\’t be able to let the boys know!

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