Coming along…

Designs by Emily is coming along. I decided to redesign the site from scratch. As A. pointed out, we do have a web design business so it\’s pretty awful to put up a site using a free template. I was just being lazy and wanted it up fast.

So, I\’ve got the design done and I just need A. to do the heavy duty programming (easy-peasy for him…tricky for me). Once he gets the page laid out for me, then I can customize each page and go live. It actually won\’t take too long, since I just have to copy all the stuff over from the other design. I\’m kind of a perfectionist so I didn\’t want to get too much further into this venture until I had the site exactly the way I wanted it. I\’ll unveil the new site by Monday I\’m guessing.

Tonight though, I\’m going to knit. I\’ve been on the computer way too much lately.

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