This morning I was lugging around 200 pounds of dirt. Not all at once, but in 40 pound bags. I am getting ready to plant some strawberry plants and some raspberry bushes (very small right now) in some containers. I\’m not quite ready to commit to digging up a section of my yard for a real garden but I thought I\’d give container gardening a try this year. A friend\’s yard was being overtaken with strawberries and raspberries so it all worked out for everyone.

After a super nice Mother\’s Day performance at M.\’s Kindergarten, I decided to pop over to Home Depot with T. Sure, I thought, I\’ll just pick up the dirt and the extra containers I need. One 40 pound bag isn\’t heavy. But, loading a cart with 200 pounds of it is hard! And then pushing it through the checkout and to the car is a good workout. Then I had to unload it into the car. And one more time out of the car and carry each bag to the back patio. By the time I got each container filled, I was exhausted. I used to think I was in shape….

I\’m hoping to get strawberries this year, but I know that I won\’t get any raspberries until next year. In a couple of weeks I\’ll put out another container or two with some tomato plants. T can eat tomatoes like you can\’t believe.

Nothing on the knitting front. I\’ve been crocheting a bit lately on my string bag. It\’s slow going because the thread is super tiny, but it\’s nice and mindless to work on for now. I\’ve also been feeling a bit better the last day or two. I think the worst of it was the other day when I posted.


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