It\’s been sheer craziness around here for me lately. Hence, the week between postings.
First, news about my cat. She spent several days at the vet\’s office. It had been determined that one cause of her renal failure was a raging infection. Last Friday blood tests showed that she was not responding to the antibiotics. So I went on Saturday morning to bring her home. Sunday was a terrible day. She could barely walk, she was twitching, she was incontinent and just laying in her mess. We knew that on Monday we would have to bring her back to the vet to have her put to sleep. I even went out into the yard and chipped out a hole in the solidly frozen ground so we would be ready. (That took forever!)
Monday morning we notice that she\’s a bit perkier and she\’s walking around. But there are no more messes on the floor. Tuesday she\’s starting to jump on things and now she\’s definitely fighting me when I have to shove a pill down her throat. I got several good scratches. By yesterday, she\’s still not eating as much as normal and drinking like she\’s dying of thirst, but she\’s jumping up on the kitchen counter and she\’s walking almost normally.
It\’s simply amazing. The vet called last night…I think he was wondering why we hadn\’t brought her in to have her put down. When we told her how she was acting, he was absolutely amazed. He didn\’t even give us enough antibiotics because he didn\’t think she would live, so we have to go pick up more. We all know she\’s really on borrowed time now, but I\’ll take every minute I can get with her.
It\’s also crazy for me this week because it\’s Parent/Teacher Conferences and Report Card Time at the school where I teach. So last week and over the weekend I was finishing up the report cards, and this week we have a series of half days in order to meet with parents. And of course it snowed and messed up the schedule on Tuesday. And as usual I have a bunch of parents not showing up so I have to reschedule them. And not to mention my own personal scheduling nightmare with T\’s preschool and M\’s Kindergarten and trying to find people to get them and bring them to the babysitter so I can go to school early. ARRRGGHH!!
So I haven\’t knitted much in the last week. I\’m making some progress on the Cross-Hat-ch. I\’ve just started shaping the crown, so a little over half done I\’d say. And I\’ve been working on the Split Collar Poncho. It\’s up to 18\”. The front and back pieces are worked the same and are worked to 25\”. Then you seam together and add a collar. So about a fourth done with the poncho. I\’ll have to take a picture later because the camera has gone missing from its dock.
Whew! This might be one of my longest posts ever! LOL