I have been trying to create a new entry for days now and Blogger just wasn\’t being a friend to me. First, I\’d get the 404 Page not found error. Then, apparently I wasn\’t authorized to view my own blog. Huh?

Anyway, it\’s been a crazy month for me. I\’ve been knitting. I\’m working on a few things right now. One is a beautiful sweater made out of Suri Dream yarn from Knit Picks. I\’m making it in Blueberry. The pattern is To Dye For from the Stitch \’n Bitch Handbook.

I\’m also working on another Warm Winter Poncho. This time for a friend. She loves my poncho so much, so I thought I\’d make one for her as a big \”thanks\” for the help she gives me at work. I\’m making this one in Pewter. I\’m really hoping she likes the color.

But the real reason I haven\’t been on in the last several weeks is that I\’ve been dead tired. I do have a good excuse though….I\’m pregnant and due on Sept. 3rd!! This baby is a wonderful surprise for us, as hubby was treated for cancer about 3 1/2 years ago and we didn\’t think we\’d be having any more children. Our two boys are thrilled and are wanting a little sister. We\’ll just have to wait and see!

I\’ll be taking pictures of my sweater (which I guess I won\’t be wearing for quite a while since I\’m already getting big) and the poncho later today. I\’ll get them added in sooner or later. 🙂

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