First Weekly Drawing…

And we have a winner!!

Just so you know everything is on the up and up, here is a lovely photo essay of the process (photos have somehow been lost when I transferred my blog from one host to another):

Over the seven days, there were 50 comments made by 10 different people.  Some commented as many as every day and some commented only 2 or 3 times.  My adorable helpers in the photos are my two older boys, Mike and Tim and they thought this was great fun helping out with my \”knitting stuff\”.

Without anymore delay, the name that Mike drew out was…… Pat!! The actual comment that he drew out was Pat\’s comment from the 22nd to my \”Not a Fall Pattern\” post.  So congratulations Pat!  I\’ll be emailing you the seven patterns from this week very shortly.  Thank you to everyone else for cheering me on this week and your comments will stay in the pumpkin (or most likely some other container because the boys usually take it for trick-or-treating), for the drawing at the end of the challenge.

2 thoughts on “First Weekly Drawing…”

  1. hi, thank you for the patterns. I really appreciate them.
    Thank your children for picking my name too!
    pat e.
    have a nice day and a safe one too

    I was really surprised when i got them in the email.

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