Violin Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Perfect for the orchestra lover! This knit dishcloth pattern has a picture of a violin on it. It is created in a solid garter stitch design.
Trumpet Knit Dishcloth Pattern
The picture on this knit dishcloth design is of a trumpet. The picture is in profile and the trumpet faces to the right. The valves and shape of the trumpet are clearly identifiable.
Treble Clef Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Perfect for the music lover! This knit dishcloth design is a picture of a treble clef. Elegantly curved, this treble clef is beautiful in its simple design.
Sixteenth Note Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Part of my musical notes series, this knit dishcloth design is of a single sixteenth note. There is one sixteenth note which can be identified by the two flags attached to it.
Piano Keys No. 1 Knit Dishcloth Pattern
One of two knit dishcloth designs of piano keys. This knit dishcloth picture shows piano keys, including seven white keys and five black keys.
Piano Keys No. 2 Knit Dishcloth Pattern
One of two dishcloth designs of piano keys. This knit dishcloth design picture shows only a few keys including three white and two black keys. They are larger and fill more of the cloth than the other Piano Keys pattern.
Harp Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Every orchestra needs a harp! This knit dishcloth pattern is an outline design of a large harp complete with strings.
Eighth Note Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Part of my musical notes series, this knit dishcloth design is of a single eighth note. There is one eighth note which can be identified by the single flag attached to it.
Electric Guitar Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This knit dishcloth pattern has a picture of an electric guitar on it. It is a solid garter stitch design.