Wrapped Present Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This knit dishcloth pattern is a picture of a wrapped present. The present is wrapped in ribbon and has a bow tied on top. This is an “outline” style of design meaning it looks as though it is drawn on the cloth.
Santa Hat Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This knit dishcloth pattern is a picture of a hat that is just right for Santa or an Elf. It is perfectly proportioned from the brim as it tapers up and curves over to the dangling pompom. The hat is created in garter stitch with a seed stitch brim and a pompom.
Peace Dove Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This knit dishcloth pattern is a simply beautiful picture of a dove. It is designed differently than my other patterns in that it is done in relief within a garter stitch circle.
Peace Knit Dishcloth Pattern
PEACE and joy for a Happy Holiday! This dishcloth has the capital letters P-E-A-C-E arranged in a diagonal from the upper left corner to the bottom right.
Joy Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Peace and JOY for a Happy Holiday! This dishcloth has the capital letters J-O-Y arranged in a diagonal from the upper left corner to the bottom right.
Gingerbread Man Knit Dishcloth Pattern
Run, run as fast as you can…get ready to catch this gingerbread man! This knit dishcloth design is a picture of an adorable gingerbread man. He has a cute face and three buttons down his front.
Gingerbread Girl Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This Gingerbread Girl Dishcloth perfectly complements my Gingerbread Man Dishcloth. She has a cute face and three buttons down her belly. Instead of legs, she has a skirt. Like the Gingerbread Man, she is designed in an “outline” style.
Dove in Flight Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This knit dishcloth pattern is a solid profile picture of a dove in flight. She faces to the left and her wings are up and behind her.
Christmas Ornament Free Knit Dishcloth Pattern
This ornament looks like it’s ready to hang on the tree!