Umbrella Knit Dishcloth Pattern

April showers bring May flowers! This umbrella dishcloth is perfect for those rainy spring days!


Tulip Knit Dishcloth Pattern

This knit dishcloth pattern is a cute tulip. The picture is a solid design and is made up of a single tulip with two leaves at the base of its stem.


Tulip Trio Knit Dishcloth Pattern

A trio of tulips to brighten your days as you wash your dishes! This knit dishcloth pattern is a solid design picture of three tulips emerging. The leaves are not shown. It is a perfect complement to my Tulip Dishcloth


Rabbit Knit Dishcloth Pattern

This knit dishcloth design is a picture of a long-eared rabbit. It is a solid picture, and the rabbit is in profile facing to the left. He is crouched down on long hind legs and looks ready to hop to find the next nibble of tasty leaves.


Out Like a Lamb Free Knit Dishcloth Pattern

March comes In like a Lion and goes Out like a Lamb. This Knit dishcloth pattern is a picture of a fluffy lamb. It pairs beautifully with my In Like a Lion


Kite Knit Dishcloth Pattern

Let’s go fly a kite! This is one of my favorite designs. The knit dishcloth pattern has a picture of a kite with a long trailing tail. The kite is quartered with two of the sections filled in.


In Like a Lion Knit Dishcloth Pattern

This little guy will inch his way into your heart! This knit dishcloth pattern is of a cute inchworm. The design is solid, and the inchworm is in profile and faces to the left, although I will admit it’s hard to tell the front end from his back end!


Flower Knit Dishcloth Pattern

This knit dishcloth pattern is a cheerful flower. The picture is a solid design of a five petaled flower with two leaves at the base of the stem. The flower bends slightly to the left.


Easter Egg with Rick Rack Knit Dishcloth Pattern

Fill your kitchen sink with Easter eggs! The picture on this knit dishcloth is an Easter egg decorated with a zig-zag rick rack pattern across the middle. The design is an “outline” style design, meaning it looks drawn on the cloth. The rick rack is a solid band across the middle of the egg. This pattern pairs perfectly with my free pattern: Easter Egg with Stripes
