Today is Super Bowl Sunday. That means no knitting for me.

Every year we have a party. This year we went a little crazy and are having a HUGE party. So, I\’m taking a break from frantic cleaning to make a quick little post.

I have two new cloths knit to add to Designs by Emily. They are for Mardi Gras and came out pretty nicely, if I do say so. I\’ll put them up tomorrow because I simply won\’t have any time today.

I\’ve also added a poll over there on the right to help me decide which pattern deserves to be the March Free Pattern of the Month. I don\’t have pictures yet of the finished cloths as I am still in the process of knitting them. But if I see that one is jumping ahead in the polls, I\’ll definitely get it done to add to the site as soon as possible.

So, vote away and pick your free pattern for March!!!