I\’ve drawn out the name of our lucky winner for week three!  I could draw out the suspense by writing about some new cloth that I\’m working on, except that I\’ve barely been knitting for the last couple of days.  I\’ve been working on the same cloth for this whole time.  I really just needed to take a break.

So, without any delay…… week three\’s winner is…… Helen Ensor!!!!!!!  Congratulations Helen!  I\’ll be emailing you all the patterns from this week in a little while.  Thank you to everyone who cheered me on these past three weeks.  This challenge has been a lot of fun and has motivated me to add so many new patterns to the website.  I\’m looking forward to running this challenge again in a couple of months, although I think I will have to modify the rules slightly to say something like 5 patterns in 7 days, or something like that.

I also drew out the 5 names for the end of the challenge winners.  Since the challenge lasted 3 weeks the 5 winners will each win 6 patterns of their choice picked from any of the patterns on my entire website.  The lucky winners are:  Debby C., Lynne, Laurie, Cheryl, and Pat! Congratulations to all five winners!  I\’ll be emailing you about choosing your patterns. Pat cheered me on almost every day and also won the first weekly challenge.  Several of you cheered me on each day and I appreciate it so much.  I\’m working on a couple of patterns for all of my cheerleaders — a couple of celebration themed patterns.  I was going to do a cheerleader pattern but I figured that not everyone has a reason to knit a cheerleader cloth.  The ones that I\’m working on I hope will come in handy for you.  I\’ll still need some time to get them ready though.

I think that\’s all the news in closing out the Challenge.  I hope you all will still check in on the blog from time to time.  I\’ll still be posting (although maybe not every day) about my knitting and projects that I\’m working on.  I also do several other crafts that I may sneak in every so often.  You never know what you might find here!


  1. wow thanks for the pattens again
    i feel really privileged and lucky
    thanks again
    i really enjoyed this
    you take a rest and enjoy the holidays and your family they grow up to quickly
    i know my boys are 34 and 35 with their own families
    i look into your blog daily to see what is happening
    thanks again
    pat e

  2. thank you!!! I’m so excited! my knitting friends at work are jealous – so I told them to get over here for your January challenge.

  3. Thank you so much! I am so excited and overwhelmed by all the choices. You do an awesome job and I want you to know how much your hard work is appreciated!
    If I don’t get a chance to say it later have a terrific holiday season!


  4. hi, i now the challenge is over but i miss reading about it and the comments
    i check daily on this
    i hope everyone is okay too!

  5. November 17, 2008

    hi, no action here
    isn’t anyone around
    i miss these little notes
    we got alot of snow last night
    pat e
    take care and have a nice day and a safe one too!

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