I\’ve been printing and cutting and folding little slips of paper like a madwoman for the last half hour and I have picked a winner for the second week of the challenge!!

But first, some fun with numbers.  For this second week, there were 53 comments made by 18 different posters.  Some people only posted once and some posted every day.  I enjoyed rereading all the comments from this week and it has made me to want to make sure that this challenge continues for a little while longer at least.  I am going to have a rough few days getting some patterns knit up because I have none in reserve.  We\’ll just see what happens!

And without any further delay……the winner for this week is…….Lindsay!!!  Congratulations Lindsay!!  The winning comment that I drew out was from the first one of the week on Oct 27th when I posted the School Bus pattern.  She commented that her nephew would love that one.  Now she can knit one for him!  I\’ll be emailing all the patterns from the week to you shortly, Lindsay.  Be on the lookout for them.

And for everyone else, it\’s really easy to get in on the drawings.  All you have to do is leave me a comment cheering me on in my crazy challenge.  You can leave one comment per day and we start all over each Monday.  I\’m saving all the entries for another drawing at the end of the challenge.  I\’ve spelled out all the details on this page: Challenge Details.

Check back tomorrow to see if I can actually keep this thing going for another day!


  1. Yeah for me!!! How exciting I opened up my email to this lovely bundle of patterns!! I cant wait to make these!!! Thanks so much!! And congrats on the 2 weeks and going of patterns I am loving them all!!

  2. You are really rocking!! I can’t wait to get started on some of these patterns….

    and congrats Lindsey!

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