After weeks of knitting, I\’ve been the mood to crochet lately. So about a week and a half (or two weeks) ago I began this Crochet Great Lengths Afghan. It\’s actually my first time making a granny square type of afghan, so I\’m pleasantly surprised at how fast the thing is coming together. My previous experience with afghan is confined to a monster of a 64-different-squares sampler afghan (which I foolishly chose as my first project after I taught myself to crochet, completed once square of single crochet, and declared myself ready for something harder). It took me three years to finish that project! I also crocheted a baby blanket for each boy while I was pregnant, but those were small and worked in one large piece.

So after just a week and a half I am nearly a third of the way done with making the squares. As of this morning I have one square done and six others almost done.


But the problem with making quick knitted projects for so much recently is that I was getting a little antsy to finish something. So this morning I decided to dig around in my stash for the yarn and pattern for this Day or Night Bag made with Lionbrand Chenille Thick & Quick:


The pattern came from this booklet. It only took about 2 hours of crocheting and then another hour and half to finish (I hate weaving in all those loose ends…I really need to remember to do it as I go!) At least I was finishing while the boys were napping and I got to finish watching Love Actually, a cute movie saved on TiVo.

So now that I have the satisfaction of finishing something I think I\’m ready to go back to the afghan. Although, I do have the yarn (more Chenille Thick and Quick) for a hat and scarf set upstairs in my stash……