Let it Snow!

Here in Connecticut we are in the midst of a blizzard. The kids and I have off from school and hubby is working from home. I cooked dinner overnight in the crock pot in case we lost power today, but we are all warm and snug now while the snow and the wind blows outside. …

Spring has arrived!

I don\’t know about where you live, but here in New England spring is finally trying to make an appearance. The snow is almost all melted and Little League starts today. The grass may still be brown but we are starting to see some crocuses trying to poke through. It sure was a long, cold …

Cyber Monday Sale – All Week!

Cyber Monday discounts come to Designs by Emily and are good all week! This week, Monday through Friday, all my patterns have been discounted to $1.29. If you\’ve had your eye on one or two of my patterns, or you\’ve been looking to buy several to make an afghan, now\’s the time!

Heat Wave

There\’s a heat wave going on now where I live. Makes it almost too hot to knit! A small project – like a dishcloth – is perfect! I have a bunch of knit dishcloth patterns great for summer. For those of you looking for a free pattern, check out my free knit dishcloth pattern page. …