I\’ve finally finished knitting the last of five new dishcloths to be added to Designs by Emily. The last one is blocking as I type.

They are all of a \”March\” theme. Three for St. Patty\’s day — Pot O\’ Gold, Lucky Horseshoe, and a Four-Leaf Clover. Two in general — In Like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb. The last two are slightly different than all the others I\’ve designed. I\’ve used reverse stockinette to create the pictures instead of garter stitch. I\’m not so sure I\’m convinced reverse stockinette is the way to go. The garter stitch designs \”pop\” out better and are easier to knit. Also, they don\’t really require much blocking. The reverse stockinette designs have to be blocked to see the pictures nicely.

For the voting results….it seems that Out Like a Lamb is the winner with 12 votes. Pot \’O Gold came close with 10 votes. I\’ll be working hard tomorrow to update Designs by Emily with the new patterns. Out Like a Lamb will be offered for free, with the remaining patterns for sale for $1.49 each.

Tonight is girl\’s night out so there won\’t be any knitting or web design tonight!